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It was a great idea...

On the train with my littles and my nieces
When I started this blog, I wanted to do more than just make a list of things other people could do. I knew that meant I would need to try out new service ideas. This week I decided to get off the train on the way back from the gymnastics meet we were attending to give out valentines to people who are homeless.

Do people who are homeless need valentines? No, but everyone needs something to make them smile and forget hard things they are facing. I teach students that you should assess needs to ensure that service is meaningful and appropriate, so in this instance I asked myself:
  • What is a valentines treat that is portable, somewhat healthy, and filling?
  • How can we make it themed without giving out cutesy cards they would have to store or get rid of?
If you remember from my first post, I am surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things. One of those people told me about a volunteer they met at the Burrito Project. He brings granola bars to hand out with the burritos they make for people who are homeless. I decided granola bars would make a good treat that's portable and more healthy and filling than candy. To turn them into Valentines we drew hearts on the wrappers with red sharpie (side note: sharpie takes a bit to dry on foil wrappers, so don't set them directly on your counter...).

Unfortunately, our plans didn't work out and we were only able to hand out two of the granola bars. On the way home from the train station we stopped at The Road Home family shelter and dropped the rest off. (I called first to make sure they could accept them).

Although our plans changed, as life will, I had the opportunity to talk to the kids in the car about reasons families may be homeless (such as losing a job or illnesses), and about how the majority of the people that the Road Home helps are only homeless temporarily (I've helped 6th graders research the Road Home for their Year of Service projects). Service with kids doesn't always go as smoothly and perfectly as we may hope, but sometimes it accomplishes exactly what it should. 

Other ideas for Valentine's service:
  • Make Valentines and send them to grandparents
  • Hand out Valentines or holiday decorations to residents at a nursing home
  • "Heart Attack" someone who is having a hard time. (cut hearts out of colored paper and write notes on them. Tape them onto someone's door using masking tape so it doesn't the paint doesn't get ruined). 


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