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Superbowl Service (Fitting Service into a Busy Life, pt. 2)

Sorry if the title got you excited to be a volunteer at the Super Bowl. They really might need volunteers there, but living in Salt Lake, I wouldn't know for sure. If you've heard, let me know below.

What Super Bowl service describes is ideas for squeezing service with your kids into a busy life. These ideas can be done by your kids while you are making dinner, on a rainy day (or during the summer when they need a break from the heat), during layovers at the airport (or other loooong waits with kids- just pack some paper and colored pencils or crayons. Take a manila envelope already addressed and stamped and you can throw it in a mailbox before you board so you don't even need to take it with you), Sunday afternoons, while the kids are watching TV, or yep, even during the Super Bowl. (These are also great ideas to do for school, scouts, church and other groups).

Yesterday, my daughter, A, and I did service for soldiers, hospitalized children, seniors, and kids needed extra academic help while sitting at our table watching the Super Bowl. While I have done some of these projects with students, some are projects that I have heard of and wanted to try with my kids before adding to my blog.

Without further ado, here are some service ideas you might want to try with your kids if you have a few minutes here and there:

*It's best to call or double check an organization's website first, some have guidelines for what they will accept*

Cards for hospitalized kids 
  • While we used some cute cards that we've had forever in our house, plain paper would work as well
  • Avoid phrases like get well soon or other health related terms. Cards should focus on the children, not the illness. Unfortunately, some kids won't get better so the goal is to provide encouragement and something to positive to focus on
  • The links below have ideas of what you can write, how to address cards, and things that they can't take (religious, personal information, etc)
  • Some children's hospitals can't take homemade cards, so you can send them in to be delivered to kids throughout the U.S. using the following links:
Cards for Soldiers and Veterans

Place mats for Senior
File Folder Games for Children
  • These games can be used many different local and international organizations that work with children in educational settings. A printer, colored pencils or markers, scissors, folders, and lamination are usually required, but some organizations will laminate them for you. Contact a local Head Start, school, homeless shelter, or other organization that work with children in your area to donate. Make sure to find out what kind they are looking for, if they are being sent to other countries they may or may not be looking for ones with English words on them (depending on what the organization is focusing on), or may need activities for a certain age level. I printed out file folder games from (you can purchase an inexpensive CD-Rom of file-folder games, or there are some links to free file folder games on the left)


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