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Showing posts from April, 2019

Words from the (kid) President

I love this guy! I like to show this video to students to inspire them and break down what service really is. And you get to dance at the end, so what else can I say? Thanks SoulPancake for being so clever and entertaining, and putting life in perspective. See their Youtube channel for more of the good stuff .

They've Got My Back

This is a cool article from the Parents Magazine blog that talks about benefits for children when they serve, as well as gives some ideas for serving. Thought I'd share. Also I thought I'd share a picture of my "baby" when we made and handed out burritos with the Burrito Project  (this one is in Salt Lake City, but the organization is found throughout the U.S.) to people who are homeless. She didn't want to get out of the car to hand them out, but since I wasn't about to leave her alone in the car across the street from the city bus depot, I made her come along. She did great and even commented on how grateful the people that we gave the burritos to were.     Volunteer With Your Kids

The BIG Question!

I'm a mom. I've stood in the checkout line with kids having meltdowns, trying to stop the cart in the aisles, refusing to go somewhere, let alone do service, and have carried a toddler and a heavy box of food from the Food Bank one flight at a time because I wanted to teach my kids to serve. So why do we do all of this? Because of who our kids (and even us adults) can become. It also can help who they (and we) are today: health, happiness, and skill-wise. After I've convinced you with all of the good reasons below, visit my Pinterest page for kid-friendly ideas, or comment below with what kind of service you're looking for and I'll brainstorm for you.


Round #1. Does anyone else think I look like a muppet? Standing alone in front of a class of 5th graders and their teaching staff is embarrassing enough, but having to stand there TWICE while 13 whipped cream pies are hurtled at you is kind of humiliating. Particularly when a plate sticks to the side of your face. So how'd I end up in this spot? It starts with a brilliant idea someone had. Ok, that someone was me. And it sounded like a good idea at the time to challenge 56ish 5th graders to see who could do more service over spring break, me or all of them put together (like I said, brilliant idea). After all, I was driving all the way to Seattle to help my mother-in-law get her house ready to sell (drive time counts if you are going specifically to do service). That's 26 hours just for driving. The first day there I was on a roll with 9 hours of painting and ordering pods. The next 2 days I forgot to count my hours so I probably underestimated what I did at 12 hours. W...